Friday, 18 March 2011

Review 16- I Am Number Four

I didn't know what to expect from this book going into it, I'd heard a lot of mixed reviews about it, a few people saying it was hard to get into at first. I didn't think so. From the start I loved the action, where you found out about Number Three, and then straight into what's happening with Number Four. Straight in with the action and we get a feel for the characters straight away.

The characters were amazing, they had enough about them that they felt real. John/Four had enough emotions that he could be seen as real and not just a super human that was extremely unrelatable. He was constantly growing as the plot progressed. We saw him go from a secretive individual to someone who began to experience every day emotions like friendship, love, all the emotions you expect to see from a teenager the age of 14. Though i think some of the things he did were a bit farfetched seeing as he had been told to 'lay low' and he'd obviously had done this lifestyle for an extremely long time to know what he had to do, you could see why he did it and you could see his thought process behind it. You see him grow as a character which is great to see because sometimes in books you don't see characters grow in the space of one book. And then he brought out Number Six. She is the type of character I'd love to see more in books like this, she's badass, she's awesome, she knows what to do and keeps her cool. I think it's refreshing to see a character like her, who doesn't fall in love with a strong guy, who doesn't do anything obvious, someone who comes in, can fight, knows what she's doing, does what she needs to do and doesn't mix her words. When the next books come out I can't wait to find out her back story, to see what she's like, to find out more about her. Brilliant character, super excited to see how she got to be like she is.

The plot is good. I can't say it was the best plot as in my mind it was slightly generic & obvious, but there were twists and turns here and there that kept it interesting. If I'm being honest, I didn't think he'd dwell on the teen romance aspect as much as he did, I wanted to see more action, but I can understand that if he wants to get that audience and make it a range of readers he has to put that in. But apart from that it was a good read, and some parts you read and you don't want to put the book down for any reason. I was at one part like about two thirds of the way through, where I had to put it down because of a class I had, and I sat through the class desperate to pick it back up because I was desperate to know what happened next.

Pittacus Lore definitely has an audience in mind and I think he knows how to write for them. It was a good read altogether, and a fantastic way to start what is seen to be the next big thing in YA Literature (or from what is says on the back of my book what's expected of it anyway). I'm hoping that the second book is just as good, though from reading the excerpt in the back of this one, I'm nervous to see if he will deliver, but .

Overall rating- 7 out of 10
Would I read anything else by this author- Yes
Anything else- Nope

Thanks for reading guys! x

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