Friday, 20 August 2010

Review 14- I Can See You

Ok so this will be a bit patchy, I picked this book up on the 18th of May (I know because I bought it on my birthday…haha) and I just finished reading it today (25th of July). But I must admit this is one of my favourite authors that I’ve read for a while.

Ok so it’s a crime novel, which isn’t usually my style, but I picked it up and fell in love with it, reading about 150 pages a day (which I couldn’t do at the time). The book follows Eve Wilson, Noah Webster and a bunch of other cops and the killer (not gonna say who but believe me, it was a shock when it was revealed).

I want to first address Noah & Eve’s little love interest. I loved it. I’m usually hooked instantly on the love interest or hate it with a passion. I thought this one was soooooooo cute. She didn’t want him to love her because of all these emotions, and he wanted her so badly that it hurt or whatever. It was soo cute, it was so nice to see them grow and get together.

I loved the idea of how the killer picked his victims. Going onto a game called Shadowland, going through Eve’s study, getting everything together until it was all done, I was actually amazed at how well thought out it was.

I also loved the idea of the dresses, shoes, makeup, hanging (which is how he staged the murder to look like a suicide) seriously I was blown away by it. It was just a shock to the system that people found them. And with their eyes glued open? Tortured with their fears? I was in love with these ideas.

Then there was the way that the killer left the victim’s avatars in the game, where when they were found out they were found hung in their homes in Shadowland, exactly how they’d been found IRL.

Characters? Ok so the first one I need to talk about is Eve. Now, from what I’ve gathered I came into a book that links back to another book, which is where Eve came from. She’s a broken woman who was left for dead in a previous book by Karen Rose (which I shall be buying even though I know what happens, I want to read more of Eve when she was young and reckless) I liked that idea because it was like ‘here’s what a character did afterwards’ and even if you hadn’t read the previous book. It was brilliant.

Then Noah, I loved how he was portrayed, not perfect, but still with this manly and courageous. I don’t really know what to say about the characters, you guys just need to read it! Please?

Review 13- The Lunatic Cafe

Yes second day, second book done, and it’s barely the afternoon (on a role woot!). It’s the fourth one in the Anita Blake series so again if you don’t want to know anything, please don’t read.

I loved the plot of this one, well the love interest plot. Jean-Claude actually trying to woo Anita instead of forcing himself on her. I also love the way that Anita isn’t sure about Richard and is like ‘Should I shouldn’t I?’ I think she should personally, but I don’t know if Richard will thing of her in the same way after what she did at the end.

Ok so it was very round about crazy. Kasper (I thought he was a nice person), was the biggest twist I’d seen. I was sad to see him the culprit for the shifters disappearances, it was a big shock. And the police (I hate the ones who did it) And Dolf and Zabrowski (spelling? I don’t have the book with me so sorry if I spelt it wrong) got hurt I got really upset when I found that out.

Ok so let’s get on with the characters as per usual.

It’s nice to see a softer side of Anita, the one you see with Richard. But having said that, I’m glad she continued to be the person she always was with the way she stuck to her guns (no pun intended) and everything. And I loved how she was all bad ass when she stuck the knife into what’s his name’s ‘do-da’. I did gag a bit though, I can’t deny that.

What about Richard? I kinda like him but I think he’s got to realise that Anita is who she is and isn’t going to change. Then he’d be perfect! Unfortunately not everything should be perfect in a book, and this is the imperfect part. I do love him though, and I hope that he will keep Anita close to him, whether or not he does I shall have to find out (aka I really want the next book!).

Jean-Claude’s evil side is truly evil, I was amazed at it. The way he just was ruthless with Gretchen and the other vampire, Robert was it? I can’t remember (I fail) just it was scary to see it. I mean I liked it because it shows you he’s not all sugar and cream. But still you know?

I don’t know what else to say really, I mean the plot was crazy this time and I think it’s easier for you guys to go and read it over me trying to explain it and failing miserably.

Review 12- The Circus of the Damned

Ok, so I’m sorry that it’s been a while since I last wrote a review, but as of late I’ve been doing a lot of superficial writing over reading (aka I’ve been writing crap that I’m not ever going to use for anything other than fun) but, today I’m on holiday (and this will be up later as I have no internet) and I finished a book (finally). Sorry for the brackets, I don’t know why there are so many.

So, I read book three of the Anita Blake series, if you don’t want any spoilers I’d stop reading this now because I promise you it’ll have spoilers.

Yet again, Laurell K. Hamilton pulled out a pretty amazing book. It had enough kick butt action, the same love twist (and yes, I love Anita’s distaste for the one she’s obviously going to get with later on in the series) and with a lot more awesome twists that you can’t wait to be revealed.

This time Anita is faced with a foe that she doesn’t fully understand, ok she understands it but you know what I mean if you’ve read the book. So we find out another master vampire is in town and Anita has to find him and stop him before the blood baths continue. Fun.

Characters? Alright, Anita first. Anita is as pissy as usual, but now I think we’re seeing more of a bad ass side to her. In the last two, we see her doing her job, in this one she does things for revenge and for her own skin. Yay Anita!

What else can I say about her? If you want an introduction to her, you’ll have to read the first book, I’m sorry but that’s the only way that I can tell you to get to know her, she’s too complex really to explain, especially in the middle of a series (sorry, not the middle, that’s book ten or something).

We then have Jean Claude. He’s slimy to me. Really, it’s like ugh, he won’t give up and then he lets things get waaaaaay too out of hand before he stops it. I just don’t like him as a character. No, I lie, I like him, I just don’t like the way he uses people the way he does. Granted he’s the master of the city meaning he has power but still I have stuff against him.

Then Richard’s introduced, yay for him, I mean yes he’s a werewolf, but you kinda knew it was coming, and that was good. He was sweet too, and it was like ‘awww give me a hug;. Well kinda. But he’s a lot more down to earth and doesn’t force anything onto Anita, unlike a previously spoken about vampire.

Alejandro (not the Lady Gaga song) was pretty cool too. It wasn’t like he was like the other crazy master vampires, but he gave Anita back her freedom and stuff. I liked him, a lot. Well, more than most of the other vampires in the series.

And then there was Edward. No not the sparkly vampire (I know people don’t like him but I do but let’s not go onto twilight). Edward in this series is actually a vampire hunter. I know it’s weird isn’t it? But Edward is cute and stuff and even though I like Richard I kinda want Anita and him to have something more going on because he obviously likes her since he didn’t torture her like he said he would.

Overall? I liked it, I think that it’s a good series and I have the next one ready for me to read as soon as I want to. So yeah I think I’ll enjoy this, I hope you guys liked it, and you’ll probably see more than one uploaded quickly since you know I have no internet and a lot of spare time and about ten books with me.